photograph by Julio Bustamante

Fundraising Tips


1. Watch our promotional video and then repost it

Remember, there is no such thing as reposting something too many times. People get busy and they always mean to 'get involved' but life takes us away and we forget. We read somewhere that the human attention span is 8 seconds and sustained attention is 15-20 minute. Wait, what were we talking about? ;)

2. Donate via our CROWDRISE Donation page

All proceeds benefit HIBM medical research and goes directly to ARM (Advancement of Research for Myopathies); an accredited 501(c)(3) nonprofit. (EIN# 95-4837946)

*please, pass our project onto your international friends and family! Crowdrise accept international donations. Yay!

3. One of the MOST important ways to help is passing our site and project to all your friends and family.

This will be the key to successful fundraising. SHARE. SHARE.SHARE until it hurts.

  • Post us on Facebook
  • Post us on Twitter
  • Post us on your blog
  • Ask your friends, or strangers, to post it on their blog or forums
  • Post it on…Post-its?
  • Personally email your friends and family telling them why they should donate and encourage them to pass it along. If you happen to know Kam - share how you know her. Remind them a few times.
  • Always thank your donors!
  • Be Persistent
  • Be Persistent (we said that one twice because that one is important)

4. Repeat steps above.