“Everyone can do simple things to make a difference, and every little bit really does count.
Why We ride
San Francisco to Santa Monica - May 28th to June 4, ,2016
'Bike for Kam', Bike for HIBM' is about a group of friends, old and new, coming together to complete coastal bike tours to raise funds and awareness for those afflicted with HIBM (Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy); a very rare muscle debilitating and progressive muscle condition that takes once active and healthy young individuals to quadriplegic state within 10-15 years.
Founded in 2011 by Kam and a couple of her friends, 'Bike for Kam' began as a means to gain more awareness for Kam and all those afflicted with this rare disease. We began as a small cycling group doing a San Francisco to Santa Monica trek without mobile tent cities, without SAG wagons (support vehicles) and without cheering volunteers at well stocked rest stops. We are a fully "loaded touring" ride which means participants carry everything on their bikes and backs; everything from camping gear, clothes, food and water. Those who have chosen to ride with us are open to the unknown and the journey as we ride together for a single purpose.
The first two years (2011 & 2012) 'Bike for Kam' rode from San Francisco to Santa Monica as a fully loaded tour - riding 500 miles for out friend, Kam. In 2013 & 2014 the team began a local SoCal tour from Los Angeles to San Diego. For our final year we are returning to the San Francisco to Santa Monica 500 mile route.
Through this project we hope to raise awareness of HIBM so treatment can be achieved for this rare genetic muscle debilitation and degenerate condition because it is no longer about finding a cure; it's about funding the cure.
As a grassroots project all the work has been done voluntarily created by Kam and her friends so that 100% of donations goes directly to HIBM medical research. To date 'Bike for Kam' has raised over 100k via social media avenues like Facebook. 'Bike for Kam' is a labor of love, adventure, fun and hope. Please, take the time to get to know us. We invite you to share your story with your friends, family and colleagues. Ride along with us by following us on FACEBOOK.
*All proceeds goes directly to ARM (Advancement of Research for Myopathies, an accredited 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to finding treatment for HIBM.